Friday, December 7, 2007

OvEr & OuT!!!

Hello All,

Its been a couple of days since I am back... to count in hours almost 50 of them are through....
SO I write this post to share my feelings about my journey as a whole!

Though I dont have the exact stats yet.... I visited maybe a dozen countries... saw a around 25 cities.... spent almost 40 days travelling around Europe.... its UNLIMITED memories for liFE!!!

Can never forget these days and will always look back upon them as fun, exposure, learning and a great opportunity well used.

Thanks to the French Embassy and EGIDE for their help and scholarship! it was godsent and truly made our stay there a pleasure... cant thank everyone at EM Lyon enough for they made us feel very comfortable right from day 1.

Now its time to move on to other things... better thngs.. an upcoming placement season.. a career and a whole new set of experiences... CAnt WaiT to GeT StArtEd.......

You can all email me anytime at

Au revoir!

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